3 Reasons Exercise Classes Increase My Weight Loss

Instead of going to the gym and working out by yourself, exercise classes will give you social interaction that could help you push yourself farther in your workout.  Exercise classes are a good way to get the best of two worlds, a fitness expert’s guidance, and the fact that you aren’t alone.  Keep reading for three reasons why that exercise classes will increase your weight loss.

Benefits Of Exercise Classes

  • Instruction.  When you go to the gym to workout on your own, you may find that sometimes you don’t know what to do next.  This can hinder your weight loss because you are taking time thinking of what to do instead of focusing on actually executing the exercise.  Taking exercise classes can alleviate this issue for you.  With exercise classes, you will be guided by a trained professional that will constantly have you working, so that you are increasing your stamina and getting stronger at the same time.
  • 3 women doing bicep curls mid stride
    Weight Loss

    Motivation.  When taking exercise classes, you will be working out with at least one person who is close to your fitness level.  Working out with someone and overcoming your physical limits together can help motivate you to push even harder than what you would if you were just working out on your own.  Motivation is a major part of weight loss because you have to want it enough to work for it.  Staying motivated to reach your goals is the difference between failing and succeeding.

  • Interest.  Unlike going to the gym on your own, participating in exercise classes can keep your interest longer and avoid the redundancy of self-guided routines.  For example, if you took one of our Speedzone or Hoist Circuit classes, you would be doing a combination of cardio and strength training.  Your fitness instructor will do their best to keep you interested in the exercise class by changing up the routine and by encouraging you throughout the entire class.  If you are interested and are having fun while you work out, you will be more likely to do it often which will help increase your weight loss.

Working out and getting healthy can be an enjoyable experience if you find an exercise class that fits with what you like to do.  If you like to run, join a running class, or if you like to hike join a Hoist Roc It class.  It doesn’t matter what your fitness level is in that area, your instructor will work with you from where you are.  Exercise classes are a great tool to help you increase your weight loss in a way that is fun and interesting.  Please call or stop in if you want to try one of our exercise classes at Trevor Linden Fitness.  Also, to stay up to date with us, please like us on Facebook!