PH stands for power of hydrogen, which is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body. Our bodies are filled with acid and the amount found in each body changes the pH balance. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 – the lower the number, the more acidic something is, while anything past 7 is considered alkaline. A pH of 7 is considered neutral and for humans, a pH balance of 7-7.4 is ideal. This number carries just the right amount of acid and alkalinity for the body to function properly.
When the pH balance is too high or too low in a person’s body, health problems arise. Acidity lowers your body’s ability to absorb nutrients found in food. Minerals like calcium and potassium get taken away from the areas in the body they’re needed the most in order to help buffer and balance out the excessive acid in the system, leading to fewer support in the bones and organs. Hormone production will also be thrown off since more hormones will be required for a very acidic body to feel their effects. Long term excessive acidity in the body can also lead to a slow metabolism, weight gain, high blood pressure, weak bones, low energy, mood swings, and kidney conditions.
Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to make sure your pH levels stay balanced and your body continues to run in a healthy and efficient manner. Here are some tips to keep your body’s pH balance in check:
Eat lots of dark-coloured fruits and vegetables.

Foods like spinach, broccoli, kale, raisins and melons are just some of the recommended alkaline fruit and vegetable choices.
Work out on a regular basis.

Exercise is absolutely phenomenal for reducing stress, which can make the body very acidic over time. Ongoing stress on the body can lead to serious health problems further down the road.
Lemon is your best friend.

Your body is always more acidic in the morning so drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning is a great way to re-alkalize your body for a fresh start to the day.
Be selective of your meats.

Choose fish, turkey or chicken over red meats.Red meats have a much higher uric acid intake. This substitution can make a huge difference for those who eat a lot of high protein meals.
Stay hydrated.

It is recommended that a person drink two litres of water a day in order to avoid dehydration, which can lead to high acidity levels. Avoid pop, sugary fruit drinks and alcohol for even more of a stable acid/alkaline balance.
Monitor your drinks.

Too often, we keep a close watch on our food intake but not our drink consumption. Avoid refined sugar, coffee, tea and chocolate as much as you can as they are very acid forming.